Friday, February 22, 2008

Still here!

Hi Team! Yes, those of you following this blog are my teammates in this journey I'm taking to run 13.1 miles. I feel as if the more and more I say it, the less daunting it becomes. A very quick update - I'm still here. Yes, I know I haven't blogged all that much recently and a 1,000 apologies, but for a valid reason. I'm busy. Busy running, training, working (believe it or not, I still kept my day job) and now am taking an additional extra-curricular evening class to become better at my day job.

So far, as you can see, my blog has been updated, and updated beautifully. A VERY LARGE and BIGGEST thanks to
MzSwats! She spent a lot of time on this and I totally appreciate her making this blog so relevant to its subject. Thank you! Read her blog too, she's amazing.

In other news, I've been running in the following locations (updates to follow) - Ferry Building, this time towards Fisherman's Wharf; Beach Chalet; and around my neighborhood. I sent out some e-mails (did the rain dance) and have received additional funds (rain)! Their names have been added to the thank you roster.

So, that's all I can update for now, I promise to update more this weekend. To all of those on this journey with me, THANK YOU! And to those that I'm running in honor of, as always, we are all thinking of you.

Have a great day team!

posted by ma | 10:16 AM | 1 comments